Creole Ecologies, Feral Customs: A Coevolutionary History of Buccaneering in Hispaniola During the Seventeenth Century
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buccaneers, hispaniola, creole ecologies, feral livestock, plantation complexResumen
As the European colonization of the Americas progressed through territorial occupation and economic exploitation, the motley Atlantic society that emerged from the Columbian Exchange also led to unprecedented social experiments. This article analyzes the consolidation of buccaneers' culture in the island of Hispaniola during the first half of the seventeenth century. Adopting the methodological tools of environmental history – with a particular emphasis on coevolutionary history and neo-materialism – it assesses how feral European-borne animal species contributed to creating this cosmopolitan society living at the margins of western civilization. This encounter generated an ecological niche carved on the creole Caribbean environment of Hispaniola, one of the first Spanish settlements in the Americas. This article also assesses the historical causes of buccaneers' demise and the emergence of the plantation complex. The research draws from a vast array of primary sources produced by explorers from several European nations and former buccaneers and scholarly publications in environmental history, Caribbean history, and European colonial history.
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