About the Journal


Focus and Scope

Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC) is a journal edited by the Sociedad Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Historia Ambiental (SOLCHA). The journal was founded during the 5th SOLCHA Symposium, held in the city of La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, in 2010. HALAC publishes academic papers on Environmental History in its various dimensions, with a special focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. However, this journal considers important to expand its geographical scope, encompassing historical and environmental issues in the Americas and other continents. Considering that interdisciplinarity is a fundamental part of the environmental history itself, this journal also values manuscripts focusing on environmental humanities, in which the relationship between society and nature is presented in a clear and solid way for the consolidation of scientific knowledge in this premise. HALAC encourages the exchange of research and teaching experiences, disseminated through articles, book reviews and technical/scientific notes. Publishing articles every four months, HALAC receives manuscripts for evaluation in continuous flow. Offering free and full access to all content on this website.

All manuscripts are submitted to editorial evaluation and forwarded to ad hoc reviewers, and the entire editorial process is free of charge for authors. HALAC does not charge a submission fee.

The journal will only accept unpublished works by Masters, doctors and doctoral students. During the editorial process, texts will be evaluated in order to identify any misconduct that may harm Publication Ethics. When improper conduct is found, the journal will refuse to publish the article and communicate the decision to the authors.


Peer Review Process

Papers submitted to the editorial team will be sent to two or more ad hoc reviewers, through a double blinded process, avoiding any conflict of interest. The editorial decision can be: a) submission acceptance; b) mandatory corrections, which will be sent to the authors for adjustments; c) submission rejection. The final decision on whether or not to publish the text will always be made by the Editorial Coordination, based on the reviewers opinions and feedback of the authors.



Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC) was published twice a year between 2011 and 2019. From 2020, the journal started to be published every three months.


Open Access Policy

All journal content is available for access and free retrieval. Authors are responsible for the content of the manuscripts, ensuring compliance with the Publication Ethics. Copyright must be respected and articles must be properly cited.


ISSN: 2237-2717