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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format, strictly following the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition, 2010).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • AUTHORS: The journal will only accept unpublished works by Masters, doctors and doctoral students.
  • CONTENT: The manuscript is original and unpublished and it is not under review by other journals. Special cases should be reported.
  • FORMATTING: Citations and references are formatted according to the standards of the HALAC (

Author Guidelines


  • Before submission, authors must be aware of HALAC's Editorial Policies.
  • HALAC publishes articles that preferably relate to Environmental History.
  • Authors do not pay fees for submission or for the review process.
  • HALAC submissions must be made through the OJS/PKP system and follow the following specifications:
    • The work may be in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Spanish or Portuguese texts must also contain title and abstract in English. English texts must also contain title and abstract in Spanish.
    • The work must be original and unpublished, and not under review by another journal. Special cases must be informed.
    • For submission of manuscripts, authors must have at least a Master's degree.
  • Upon submission, authors must inform the following data, mandatorily and through inclusion in the platform: full name, email, ORCID, title and the institution where one obtained the title, complete institutional link containing institution, function, city, and country.



  • HALAC adopts the CC-BY-NC Open Access license system.
  • The Editorial Coordination organizes the editions and invites an ad hoc reviewer to evaluate the submitted works.
  • All manuscripts go through the same editorial process. Once in the system, they will be immediately analyzed by the Editorial Coordination, which assesses their relevance and compliance with HALAC's mission and policy, as well as their suitability for publication standards. Manuscripts can be rejected at this first stage of the publication process.
  • For manuscripts in accordance with the aforementioned editorial requirements, they advance to the second stage of evaluation, based on the double and anonymous review system, which can be accepted or rejected, according to the recommendations of the reviewers. When there is a need for adjustments, the authors must respond to the recommendations presented by the reviewers. When necessary, work will proceed to a new evaluation. The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Coordination make the final decision.
  • The decision will be reported to the authors within six months of receipt of the article.
  • The Editorial Coordination will decide on the suitability of the submitted manuscripts. It is a fundamental requirement that the author has at least a master's degree. The originals must preserve the identity of the authors and institutions, and any indication of authorship must be deleted, as well as self-references and personal thanks.
  • Images (maps, tables, figures, illustrations, graphs and drawings) must be submitted in separate files from the text. Scanned images must be in high resolution, in JPEG format, RGB color standard.
  • Acknowledgments to funding agencies, universities, or other research support institutions, should be reported to the Editorial Coordination, and not in the submission text. In the editorial process, if the article has been accepted, this information must be duly informed.




  • Original texts resulting from advanced research or theoretical reflection.
  • After being published in HALAC, articles or reviews can be republished in other media, since they are authorized by the Editorial Coordination.
  • Maximum of 10,000 words, including footnotes.

Technical or Scientific Notes

  • Communications about research experiences and reports, congresses, field visits, and other communications that become pertinent.
  • Maximum of 3,000 words, including footnotes.

Book Reviews

  • Focus on books published in the past three years.
  • It should not be just a sequential description, but a critical analysis of the work and its relationship with other works.
  • It is recommended that the text of the reviews is not a summary description of the work, but a critical analysis of it, identifying its main objectives, contributions in the scientific field, dialogues with other fields and areas of knowledge, its theoretical and methodological contribution, their documentary sources, among other pertinent information.
  • Must contain proper title and citation of references that dialogue with the main book.
  • Between 800 and 1000 words.


  • Made by the Editors, Editorial Board or Invited Editors




  • Manuscripts in Spanish or Portuguese must also contain the title in English.
  • Manuscripts in English must also contain the title in Spanish.


  • Between 3 to 5 keywords separated by semicolons (;).
  • Manuscripts in Spanish or Portuguese, must contain keywords in the language of the text and in English.
  • Manuscripts in English must contain keywords in English and Spanish.


  • Between 150 to 300 words in the text language.
  • Manuscripts in Spanish or Portuguese must contain an abstract in the language of the text and in English.
  • Manuscripts in English must contain an abstract in English and Spanish.


  • Body of the text: Times New Roman font size 12, single line spacing, double spacing between paragraphs.
  • Titles and Subtitles: They must be numbered sequentially, indicating the sections. Times New Roman font size 12.
  • Abstract and footnotes: Times New Roman font size 10, single line spacing.
  • Direct quotes: i) less than 5 lines: must be inserted in the text, follow the formatting style of the text, in quotation marks; ii) more than 5 lines: must be in an isolated paragraph, Times New Roman font size 10, 4cm indentation in the paragraph, double spacing between paragraphs, do not put in quotation marks.
  • We suggest that references be added to the article using the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition style (full note, with Ibid.) Contained in the Mendeley tool.


  • When citing page numbers, it is necessary to use the page abbreviation (eg, p. 455-457, not just 455-57).
  • When there are citations in the text of parts of the reviewed work, the author of the review must indicate the page in parentheses (ex: p. 134).
  • For citations, use a numerical model (Arabic numerals, superscript) with the references inserted as a footnote.


  • All indications to bibliographic references and sources must be in footnotes according to the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note, with Ibid.). In addition to the references in footnotes, there should be, at the end of the text, all the references already mentioned in the notes in alphabetical order according to the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note, with Ibid.).
  • Formatting References:
    • Books:
      • Fred Q. Jones, The Book I Wrote (Philadelphia: Popular Press, 1986), 8-13, 25-78, 101-103, 107-13, 118-57, 178-217.
      • Jones, Book I Wrote, 12-13, 18-45, 99-107, 109-26.
      • Fred W. Jones, My Long Book, 3 vols. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987), 1:1-35.
      • Fred W. Jones, Long Book, 2:28.
      • Fred X. Jones, Adolescence, vol. 2 of The Life and Times of Fred X. Jones (Munich: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1936), 23-337.
      • Fred Y. Jones, The Book I Wrote in 1873 (1873; reprint, Savannah, Tenn.: Old Timey Press, 1988), 237-69.
      • Fred Z. Jones, The Book I Wrote in Secret (Privately published, 1917, copy in North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 802-807.
      • Fred A. Jones and A. Fred Green, The Book We Wrote Together and Rewrote Later, rev. ed. (Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 246-89.
      • Fred B. Jones, ed. and trans. by Gloria Sforth, The8 Book Fred Wrote and Gloria Edited (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, forthcoming), 407-13.
    • Journal Articles:
      • Jane A. Smith, "The Article I Wrote," The Quarterly Journal 10, 1 (April 1976): 11-13.
      • Smith, "Article I Wrote," 12-13.
      • Alfred Peterson, "The Abominable Snowman At 40," National Enquirer, 17 July 1992, 12-14.
      • Newspaper articles, especially in older newspapers, may be cited only by the newspaper's title and date, but a full citation is preferable. Try to put the location of the article in the newspaper (section or page).
      • Daily Gleaner (Beltsville, Md.), 23 November 1883, 3.
      • New York Times, 18 April 1932. VII, 7. [Section VII, Page 7.]
      • Catherine Parr, "City Says No to New Greenways," Durham (N.C.) Sun, 18 February 1985, 1-B.
    • Academic Theses, Dissertations and Texts:
      • John L. Brown, "Hoots and Hollers: Appalachian Topography and the Development of Country Music," (Ph.D. diss., North Carolina State University, 1993), ch. 3.
      • John L. Brown, "Hollerin' in the Holler: The Musical Life of Fancy Gap, Virginia, 1748-1935," (paper presented at the bimonthly meeting of the American Academy for Creative Stuff, Peru, Vt., March 1996).
    • Government Documents:
      • Specify the government level (federal, state, municipal) – “Governo do Brasil”; “Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente do Estado do Paraná”; “Governo Municipal de Salvador”. Cite non-periodic government documents such as books and indicate the respective government agencies as publishers.
      • S. Congress, House Committee on Agriculture, Hearings on Forest Management, 88th Cong., 2d sess., 1964, House Report 28, 1-3.
    • Archival Materials:
      • Frank Stanley to Alfred White, 24 August 1934, Division of Timber Management Reading File, Record Group 95, Box 1320 [hereafter, DTM Reading File], National Archives, Washington, D.C. [hereafter, NA].
      • Mary Carter to Alfred White, 26 August 1934, DTM Reading File [hereafter, "Carter-White letter"], NA.
    • Oral and Personal Sources:
      • Janet P. Bushwhacker, interview with author, 14 May 1995, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (tape recording and handwritten notes in possession of the author).

Privacy Statement

As a privacy policy adopted by HALAC, and obeying the Publication Ethics, the articles are always sent to the referees through the Electronic System OJS/PKP, without identification of authorship, in the same way as the author does not know the identity of referees (double-blinded review).

All information requested for users' registration is for the exclusive use of HALAC and for its sole purposes.

There are no submission or publishing charges.