Carcinicultura in Santa Catarina: From the Euphoria Unregulated to the Generalized Crisis
Shrimp Farm, White spot, Santa CatarinaAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the trajectory of shrimp farming in Santa Catarina before and after the occurrence of white spot virus. The text is divided into four topics. The first behind an overview of the trajectory of the shrimp in the world and in Brazil, with data emphasis the evolution of production and exports. The second focuses on the origin and expansion of shrimp farming and Santa Catarina, which historicizes the practice of shrimp farming in the state's coast and analyzes the rapid expansion of cultivation of the species Litopenaeus vannamei. The third topic, in addition to providing an overview of the introduction of several viruses in aquaculture, specifically addressing the occurrence of “white spot syndrome virus” in Santa Catarina post-2004, which led to generalized crisis in the entrepreneurial activities of the shrimp. Finally, the final consideration discusses issues related to weak regulatory mechanisms against the rapid expansion of highly profitable economic activities of the shrimp.
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