Environmental History and Research on the Hydrosocial Cycle: Contributions to the Approach to the History of Rivers


  • Gabriel Garnero




Water, Rivers, Environmental History, Hydrosocial Cycle


On a recurrent basis, governments and the media when analyzing and discussing issues related to rivers - such as floods, droughts, urban supply management and agricultural irrigation - pour deterministic interpretations, by the way they visualize the action of the hydrological cycle on the society. Hence, this study proposes to contribute to these discussions by relating two approaches that have dealt with diachronically studying the transformation of the relationship between society and nature with an emphasis on water; on the one hand, the environmental history and on the other, the research on the so-called hydrosocial cycle. It was reviewed some problems addressed in both approaches, with their concerns and coincidences and the theoretical tools that can provide us to generate more balanced analyzes of the historical transformations in the link between specific societies and water.


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How to Cite

Garnero, G. (2018). Environmental History and Research on the Hydrosocial Cycle: Contributions to the Approach to the History of Rivers. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 8(2), 91–120. https://doi.org/10.32991/2237-2717.2018v8i2.p91-120


