Utilização de Macroinvertebrados Bentônicos de Nascentes do Meio Urbano Impactado como Instrumento de Educação Ambiental em uma Escola Pública de Ribeirão das Neves - MG
Environmental Education, Aquatic Macroinvertebrates, Hydrographic BasinAbstract
Water resources are a priority for the development of practically all human activities and for sustaining ecosystems. Concern about water quality moves all sectors of society today, whether due to the scarcity of drinking water in many regions, the precaution in the use of this precious commodity or the possibility of water supply of diseases. The use of formal environmental education allows for continuity in projects that must be constantly developed in schools. The use of benthic macroinvertebrates in environmental education activities is an instrument approached in this work and aims to demonstrate environments preserved and impacted by the urbanization process, respectively, in the source of the São Francisco River and in the city of Ribeirão das Neves - MG. Orientation-oriented activities were carried out in a spring to emphasize the belonging to a hydrographic basin, the observation of benthic macroinvertebrates during practical classes and the perception of the biodiversity of beings in preserved environments and in those with intense antropic activity. There was an emphasis on the use of mathematics in activities related to the design of benthic macroinvertebrate biodiversity. As a result of the development of this project, we highlight the students' interest in the subject, the learning about aquatic diversity and the need to preserve the springs and water courses of the natural reserves and in the cities.
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