Preparation of a memory file of the ecologist movement from the funds of the Ecologists in Action Confederation


  • Adelina Codina-Canet Investigadora
  • Elena Diaz Casero
  • Eduardo Saiz Riquelme



Projeto arquivístico, Unificação de fundos, Movimento ecológico, movimentos sociais, História dos documentos, Valor cultural, Arquivo digital


The project consists in the creation of a digital archive of the Spanish ecologist movement and of the environmental conflicts in which it has participated since its appearance in the 70s. In the Confederation of Ecologists in Action, in 1998, some 300 were unified groups in autonomous federations (except Galicia and the Balearic Islands). The project is an attempt to build bases for the development of an environmental history in our country, giving free access to the documentary collections, which some of the main protagonists retain. The project began in May 2017, among the achievements obtained is the dissemination of the project in different forums and articles. A digital platform has been created, and about 1.200 documents have been added. The study provides a study of the group movement of the ecologist movement in Spain in the decades of the seventies, eighties and nineties.



How to Cite

Codina-Canet, A., Diaz Casero, E., & Saiz Riquelme, E. (2019). Preparation of a memory file of the ecologist movement from the funds of the Ecologists in Action Confederation. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 9(1), 114–148.



Dossier "Territorios Comunes Herramientas Frente al Capitaloceno"