Resistencias cotidianas a la privatización de recursos naturales en Portugal a inicios del siglo XX: el ejemplo de la caza furtiva en la región del Alentejo


  • Jesús Ángel Redondo Cardeñoso Universidad de Valladolid



caza furtiva, resistencias cotidianas, recursos naturales, campesinos, Alentejo


The article analyses the poaching as a resistance form whereby the rural communities dodged the laws that restricted the free usufruct of the hunting resources from their environment. To do this, the text takes as a frame of the study the Portuguese region of Alentejo between 1910 and 1917. The paper is divided into three parts: first, it studies the hunting legislation; second, it analyses the poaching in the region by means of the information compiled in regional newspapers and regional government's files; and, third, it delves into the poaching nature through the judicial files from local courts. The main conclusion is that, in spite of the restrictive laws, poaching was a widespread practice in the region that it was mainly used by the people from the working classes to obtain some extra economic resources during unemployment periods.


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How to Cite

Redondo Cardeñoso, J. Ángel. (2019). Resistencias cotidianas a la privatización de recursos naturales en Portugal a inicios del siglo XX: el ejemplo de la caza furtiva en la región del Alentejo. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 9(1), 52–76.



Dossier "Territorios Comunes Herramientas Frente al Capitaloceno"