¿The Native Forest Still Prevails on the Coastal Border in the Region of Araucanía, Between 1866 and 1912: Nuances to a Discourse on the “Massive” Deforestation in the South of Chile.


  • Matías González Marilicán Universidad Católica de Temuco




Environmental history, Forest, XIX Century, Chile, Araucanía


Local studies can nuance the cataclysmic explanations that dominate regarding the deforestation of the native forest in the South of Chile, during the XIX century. The history of the forest on the costal border in the region of Araucanía, between 1866 and 1912, can benefit us in this study. For the first time a historical documentary analysis is made to reconstruct the native forest extension until 1866 and to estimate the decline of the same product of the colonisation that took place in the sector under the Chilean State at the end of the XIX century. It is concluded that the native forest may have continued to prevail in the area despite the increasing population in the area. The low population size in the sector, the complicated local environment and the prevalence of traditional techniques used in exploiting the forests, would have contributed to the general preservation of the native forest.


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How to Cite

González Marilicán, M. (2020). ¿The Native Forest Still Prevails on the Coastal Border in the Region of Araucanía, Between 1866 and 1912: Nuances to a Discourse on the “Massive” Deforestation in the South of Chile. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 10(2), 227–254. https://doi.org/10.32991/2237-2717.2020v10i2.p227-254


