Transformations of the Natural Landscape of Northern Paraná from the 1930s to the 1980s: Coffee Monoculture and the Modernization of Agriculture and its Ecological, Economic and Social Consequences


  • Gerd Kohlhepp



Northern Paraná, Transformations of Nature, Coffee Monoculture, Agrobusiness, Rural Exodus, Devastation of Natural Resources


From the 1930s to the 1980s Northern Paraná passed through a very dynamic process of landscape transformations: From forest clearing in a pioneer area via coffee monoculture to a region of diversified and modernized agriculture, controlled by soy agrobusiness. Focus of the dominant actors was rapid economic success. There were “winners” and “loosers”, regional consolidation or ecological and socioeconomic degradation. Abandonning of coffee cultivation because of frosts, agrarian modernization and expansion of extensive stock raising caused serious social problems: land concentration and dismissal of farm workers. Rural exodus took aim at new pioneer fronts in Paraguay and Amazonia or increased the urban proletariat of regional centers. Environmental awareness was missing, in view of enormous irreparable damage of wide-spread burning and extinction of biodiversity. Agrarian colonization of Northern Paraná is a fascinating example of a region with large ecological, economic and agro-social transformations within only five decades.


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How to Cite

Kohlhepp, G. (2020). Transformations of the Natural Landscape of Northern Paraná from the 1930s to the 1980s: Coffee Monoculture and the Modernization of Agriculture and its Ecological, Economic and Social Consequences. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 10(2), 255–283.


