The images of youth climate mobilizations in the press and television in Spain




climate change, youth mobilizations, Greta Thunberg, communication, images



The 2019 climate mobilizations have been a novelty in climate action. A new generation of adolescents and young people have managed to draw the attention of society to the challenge of climate change, requiring government leaders to take sufficient measures to meet the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, pointing to science as a reference. This historic milestone has had Greta Thunberg as the face of the Fridays For Future student movement along with other organizations. The general objective of this article is to study the representation offered by the media of environmental activism carried out by young people in the face of the climate emergency. The methodology used has been the content analysis on television and in the press based on a structural sampling. Among the effects of youth mobilizations, supported by adult citizenship, we can find: an unprecedented volume of citizen movements for climate at global, European and national scale; the identification of the environmental issue by a whole generation; and to have achieved one of its objectives: the climate emergency declared institutionally. 

Author Biography

María Gemma Teso Alonso, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

PhD in Communication, Social Change and Development from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication and Expert in production and direction of documentaries (UCM). Associate Professor of Communication Theory and Research Methodology in Social Communication at the UCM Faculty of Information Sciences. Teaching career officer of the specialty of Processes and Media of the Community of Madrid for more than 20 years, holding the subjects of Planning and Management of Audiovisual Production and Planning of Audiovisual Production in the IES Puerta Bonita. She has worked 10 years in radio and television in the public company Radio Television Madrid mainly.

As a researcher, she has worked on the design and development of the I+D+i project "Hegemonic Media Discourse on Climate Change" developed by the UCM Consolidated Research Group Dialectical Mediation of Social Communication (2010-2013). She is currently a member of the research team of the Mapcom 2 project ( In 2012, she coordinated the applied innovation project financed by the Ministry of Education entitled "Youth in front of the CC" (
Coordinator of the K202 Erasmus + Strategic Association for Educational Innovation and the exchange of good practices called YOUNGSTERS I.DOC MAKERS (YIDOCM), one of her results being the webdoc:
Coordinator of the research team of the Report "Communication for sustainability: Climate change in the Media" (2018) and of the MDCS Group work team responsible for preparing the proposals of the Decalogue of recommendations for communication on climate change available at: y    


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How to Cite

Teso Alonso, M. G., & Fernández-Reyes, R. (2020). The images of youth climate mobilizations in the press and television in Spain. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 10(3), 108–149.



Dossier "Periodismo Ambiental en la Era del Antropoceno."