Historical Geography of the Caminho do Ouro in Serra da Estrela (RJ)


  • Vicente Leal E. Fernandez Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
  • Gabriel Paes da Silva Sales Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Ana Brasil Machado Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Alexandro Solórzano Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro




Golden Path., Landscape transformation, Paleoterritory, Society and nature interactions, Atlantic Rain Forest


The landscaoe comprising the mountain range of Serra da Estrela (RJ) is the result of the historical interaction between culture and nature, attesting to the great transformations that occurred since the opening of the Caminho do Ouro. Our goal in this investugation was to understand how the exploration of precious minerals in the interior of Brazil – which connected with the coast through a network of paths and roads with the transposition of physical barriers –, led to the transformation of the landscape. Thus, we investigate the landscape history marks etched on the Caminho do Ouro path, in Serra da Estrela, a specific section with a rich Historical Geography. We carried out a bibliographic survey based on the investigation of studies related to the area, together with exploratory fields work in order to inventory the human traces etched in the landscape (such as former charcoal production sites and ruins). It was evident that the increase in importance of Serra da Estrela is directly related to the attempt to improve the flow of gold. This attempt, in turn, became necessary due to the difficulties imposed by the physical frontier of the Serra do Mar orographic barrier. With that, Serra da Estrela became one of the most important locations of the 18th century, being the stage of one of the most valuable chapters in the history of Brazil. It is undeniable that the opening of the Caminho do Proença directly influenced the socio-spatial configuration of Serra da Estrela, as well as the city of Rio de Janeiro and Petrópolis, being a historic landmark for the period of great transformations that followed. As landmarks of this history, we observe the ruins of the houses of the Fazenda Mandioca of Barão de Langsdorff, as well as the ten found former charcoal productions sites that show the use of the forest as an energy source at some point in history. In this way, Serra da Estrela reflects the different economic, social and cultural aspects that took place from the opening of the Caminho do Ouro to the present.


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How to Cite

Fernandez, V. L. E., Sales, G. P. da S., Machado, A. B., & Solórzano, A. (2021). Historical Geography of the Caminho do Ouro in Serra da Estrela (RJ). Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 11(1), 51–81. https://doi.org/10.32991/2237-2717.2021v11i1.p51-81



Dossier "Fronteras en Historia Ambiental"