The Prefaces of Mass Environmental Tourism in the Alps in 1862, Through a Peruvian Romantic Traveler




Switzerland, traveler, snow, climate change, 19th century, the Alps


Through the traveler Pedro Paz Soldán y Unanue we will learn about the development of environmental tourism in Switzerland in the mid-nineteenth century. The scenic beauties and the medicinal waters of the area attracted like a magnet to curious romantic tourists, who followed in the footsteps of renowned writers who had mentioned them and also of famous travel guides, such as those of John Murray. Places like the Sea of Ice and Pfaefers baths were desired and dreamed destinations and easily reached and facilitated in 1862, by the effective Swiss stagecoach system, as a result of the revolution of the transports operated in Europe. Those snowy landscapes in the 21st century are in decline due to climate warming, negatively shutting down the water supply, but also mountaineering and winter games.


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How to Cite

Varillas, P. E. R. (2023). The Prefaces of Mass Environmental Tourism in the Alps in 1862, Through a Peruvian Romantic Traveler. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 13(3), 206–231.


