Like a Bird’s Eye




environmental restoration, environmental rescue, space of experience, horizon of expectation, environmental crisis


Looking at the past as a foreign country is perhaps an impossible challenge when we consider the cultural, subjective, identity burden present in the historian's work, or in general, in all human actions, after all this is a species that produces symbols and values, culture, who use them for all relationships between humans and other species. Thus, if it would be impossible for us to see the actions of humans in the past without the burden of symbolic and subjective values, only by being an extraterrestrial would it be possible to denaturalize what happened, and still occurs, in the relationships between humans and the natural world. An ethnography of humans and their relationships with their world carried out by an 'alien' from this planet inhabited by humans and millions of other species. The following account is what happened between a human researcher from the area of history and one of these 'ethnographic' visitors.


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How to Cite

Melo, C. J. de ., Arruda, G., & Clare, P. . (2022). Like a Bird’s Eye. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 12(1), 21–36.



Dossier "Más Allá de la Devastación de la Natureza Prístina"