Sacrifice Zones as a Socio-Ecological System: The Case of the Quintero-Puchuncaví Bay
sacrifice zone, socio-ecological system, Anthropocene, environmental history, Quintero, PuchuncavíAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the slaughter zones from the perspective of socio-ecological systems (SSE) taking the Bahía de Quintero and Puchuncaví as a case study. For this, the work methodology consists of placing the issue in the context of environmental history and the Anthropocene, to then apply the theoretical elements that characterize the SSE, to the case study and the environmental conflict that has developed in the area. Although the case has been widely studied from different perspectives, holistic approaches such as the one proposed are required to better understand the problem. Through a combination of theoretical literature and literature on the case, it is argued that the SES of the area has evolved from an agrarian and fishing one, to a purely industrial and polluting one. In its development it has faced various shocks and crises. As a result, the system is characterized by a decrease in its resilience, being practically nil today, a high vulnerability and, above all, being unsustainable, therefore, it is concluded that it does not comply with supporting human well-being, one of the important elements in any socio-ecological system.
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