Socio-Environmental Transformations in the Upper Uruguay River (SC, Brazil) in the Last 700 Years




palynology, Santa Catarina, environmental history, archaeology


In this study, the context of environmental changes in the last 700 years 14C BP in the upper Uruguay River region was analyzed through an approach that combined information from Environmental History, Archeology and Palynology. We present the environmental modifications of anthropic origin since pre-colonial times with Guarani groups of Amazonian origin, until the arrival of Europeans and their descendants in the 20th century. For this purpose, historical and archaeological sources are used, as well as, above all, data from the pollen record based on a sedimentary core collected in the municipality of Mondaí, State of Santa Catarina. The pollen record indicates a predominance of forest taxa from 715 ± 15 years 14C BP to the present. However, the percentage variation of important pollen types for human occupations indicated the occurrence of three phases. Phase I (715-317 years 14C BP) is dominated by species native to the Seasonal Deciduous Forest. A high pollen percentage of taxa used as a source of food and for the production of artifacts by the Guarani was also observed, as well as evidence of pollen grains of corn. In phase II (158 years 14C BP) pollen grains from Pinus sp. L. and Eucalyptus sp.L'Hér. are found for the first time in the profile, indicating the interference of the European colonizer in the region. Increases the pollen percentage of Pinus sp. and Eucalyptus sp. in phase III (between 158 years 14C AP to the present) suggesting a greater anthropic impact on the environment. Another important data resulting from this research was the identification of pollen from corn, evidenced from 715 ± 15 years 14C BP, corresponding to the oldest pollen record of Zea mays L. in Santa Catarina known to date.


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How to Cite

Radaeski, J. N., Carbonera, M., Loponte, D., Primam, G. L. de L., Bauermann, S. G., & Graeff, A. (2023). Socio-Environmental Transformations in the Upper Uruguay River (SC, Brazil) in the Last 700 Years. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 13(3), 232–257.


