A critical look at urban planning from Quito's environmental history





The present bibliographic review has been developed for the text "Historia Ambiental y Ecología Urbana para Quito" written by Doctor Nicolás Cuvi. The mentioned book is an essential read for those interested in the history of urban planning and socio-environmental studies. One key aspect to highlight is that the text faces the challenge of simplifying complex scientific concepts from various disciplines and bringing them to common language, allowing a wide readership to understand and reflect on the phenomena that affect their territories and societies.

The book provides a valuable interdisciplinary perspective on Quito's urban environmental history and promotes a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient territorial planning. It invites a rethinking of colonial paradigms and advocates for integrating nature into the urban fabric, involving citizens in decision-making, and fostering an integrative approach in city development. It addresses the issue of informal settlements and questions the stereotypes of Latin American cities as spaces built without identity, lacking green areas or agriculture.



Cobbinah, Patrick Brandful, and Brandon Marc Finn. “Planning and Climate Change in African Cities : Informal Urbanization and ‘ Just ’ Urban Transformations.” Journal of Planning Literature, 2022, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1177/08854122221128762.

Cuvi, Nicolás. Historia Ambiental y Ecología Urbana Para Quito. Quito-Ecuador: FLACSO Ecuador, Abya-Yala, 2022. 400p. ISBN 9789978676028

Iñiguez-Gallardo, Verónica, Julia Loján Córdova, Andrea Ordoñez-León, and Fabián Reyes-Bueno. “Food Markets and Free Fairs as Contributors for Designing Climate Resilient Cities : A Study Case in Southern Ecuador.” Sustainability 14 (2022): 14(12), 7214, https://doi.org/10.3390/su14127214

Walker, Brian, and David Salt. Resilience Practice: Building Capacity to Absorb Disturbance and Maintain Function. Great Britain: Island Press, 2012.



How to Cite

Iñiguez-Gallardo, V. (2024). A critical look at urban planning from Quito’s environmental history. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 14(2), 468–472. https://doi.org/10.32991/2237-2717.2024v14i2.p468-472



Book Reviews