Policies in Favor of Industrialists and to the Detriment of the Peasantry: Colombia, Risaralda, Santa Rosa de Cabal During the First Stage of the Green Revolution (1970-1990)





transformations, landscape, peasant, coffee grower, green revolution, economic model, agro-export and capital accumulation


The transformations to the rural landscape that emerged between 1970 and 1990 in Colombia, Risaralda, Santa Rosa de Cabal, in the study villages, are related to the structural changes that the National Federation of Coffee Growers had to implement in order to align with the global demand for coffee. and compete in that market. What is interesting in the following work is knowing how the institution managed to motivate changes in traditional coffee growing. Meanwhile, the Federation, as a mediator between the State, the world market and the coffee-growing peasantry, applied different strategies to request the renewal of old coffee plantations with new ones; The above implied a great transformation in coffee growing in the area and in its landscapes, since original Arabic seeds were replaced with genetically modified seeds. The information provided was systematized with the established categories and the theoretical contributions of different authors. Among the transformations identified, they were found: deforestation of shady trees such as guamo, saithe and red cedar, displacement of birds, elimination of insects and weeds that contributed to the symbiosis of the forest, abandonment of hydrographic basins, depletion of bread, loss of social and cultural practices of the peasant, and a rupture between peasant-ecosystem such as the reduction of home gardens and the disruption of the peasant's organization in their habitat. In other results, it was found that while the landscapes were coffee cellars, the farmers were "guinea pigs" used to experiment with recommendations for different crops. The mediating institution offered technological packages and credits so that they could be implemented within the framework of the idea of a social laboratory that emerged after the Second World War.


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How to Cite

López, D. L. E. (2024). Policies in Favor of Industrialists and to the Detriment of the Peasantry: Colombia, Risaralda, Santa Rosa de Cabal During the First Stage of the Green Revolution (1970-1990). Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 14(3), 227–277. https://doi.org/10.32991/2237-2717.2024v14i3.p227-277


