“ – Já passamos o Éden”: Machado de Assis e a Abertura de Caminhos para uma Agência Animal Compartilhada no Brasil
animal history, animal agency, animal protection, Machado de AssisAbstract
The Brazilian writer Machado de Assis (1839-1908) dedicated part of his complex work to discussing the relationships between human beings and other animals. Many of these discussions are related, in a deeply critical way, to the main sociocultural, political-economic, scientific-technological and ecological-environmental movements of the period. Through literary writing, he developed important reflections on the limits and contingencies of the human and animal condition, opening paths to explore the complex field of Animal History in Brazil. Among hundreds of Machado’s writings on animals (novels and chapters, short stories and scenes from plays, poems and newspaper chronicles), this article seeks to highlight the writings in which the author addressed animal agency, the subjectivities and idiosyncrasies of these beings. This article also aims to discuss how these texts point to and are part of the discussions on animal protection in Brazil in the last decades of the 19th century. Animals in Machado de Assis are more than just metaphors. On several occasions, they are the protagonists and agents of the history, of their own histories that are shared with the writer’s history and with the histories of his readers.
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